Best Coffee in Rosarito Beach, Mexico | Review | Coffeepuss



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Spazio.….Located a couple blocks under The Famous Rosarito Beach Hotel on the main drag is a small coffee shop which is easy to miss and has some quirky attributes.

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Number one it opens early which in Mexico is a rarity, its Modern like something you would find in Downtown L.A., something like skateboard meets underground arts scene.

Serving a full range of Coffees, Espressos, Cappuccinos etc….With good service and good prices by a polite staff.

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The coffees are sourced locally and roasted locally providing a unique Mexican Favor. Hard but not bitter. The espressos were great again strong  Instead of sugar it was suggested we tried local honey, which was a good change. They also carried a small assortment of Pastries although not fresh were still good. They also serve some very good Crepes and sandwiches in the afternoon.

Quite like this place .

If you need a quick coffee jump to start you down the road in Mexico, consider Spazio .



Spazio on a 1-10 gets a 8